Custom datasets

Basic h5 dataset format

The main Aisy class framework only supports datasets in .h5 format for the current version. The dataset in .h5 format must be structured according to the format created by ANSSI in ASCAD database. The .h5 file must contain traces and metadata fields, as follows:

  • Profiling traces: [Profiling_traces/traces]: 2D array containing profiling traces. The format of the array must be nb_traces x nb_samples. Here, samples mean the amount of data points (or features) in a trace.
  • Attack traces: [Attack_traces/traces]: this field should contain a 2D array with attack traces. The format of the array must be * nb_traces x nb_samples*.
  • Profiling Metadata: [Profiling_traces/metadata]: metadata contains all 2D arrays for keys, plaintext and ciphertext. Note that, depending on the leakage model plaintext or ciphertext are not necessary. If metadata contains mask values, they will automatically ignored by the main Aisy class when creating labels.
  • Attack Metadata: [Attack_traces/metadata]: similarly, this field contains metadata for attack set.

Below, user can find an example of how to create a .h5 dataset that can be interpreted by the main Aisy class:

import numpy as np
import h5py

""" create dummy profiling traces array with 10000 traces, each one containing 100 samples """
profiling_traces = np.random.rand(10000, 100)

""" create dummy attack traces array with 1000 traces, each one containing 100 samples """
attack_traces = np.random.rand(1000, 100)

""" create dummy plaintexts, ciphertexts and keys for profiling set: array with 10000 rows x 16 bytes """
plaintexts_profiling = np.random.randint(0, 256, (10000, 16))
ciphertexts_profiling = np.random.randint(0, 256, (10000, 16))
keys_profiling = np.random.randint(0, 256, (10000, 16))

""" create dummy plaintexts, ciphertexts and keys for attack set: array with 1000 rows x 16 bytes """
plaintexts_attack = np.random.randint(0, 256, (1000, 16))
ciphertexts_attack = np.random.randint(0, 256, (1000, 16))
keys_attack = np.random.randint(0, 256, (1000, 16))

nb_profiling_traces = 10000
nb_attack_traces = 1000
profiling_index = [i for i in range(nb_profiling_traces)]
attack_index = [i for i in range(nb_attack_traces)]

out_file = h5py.File('new_dataset.h5', 'w')

profiling_traces_group = out_file.create_group("Profiling_traces")
attack_traces_group = out_file.create_group("Attack_traces")

""" create fields for profiling and attack sets """
profiling_traces_group.create_dataset(name="traces", data=profiling_traces, dtype=profiling_traces.dtype)
attack_traces_group.create_dataset(name="traces", data=attack_traces, dtype=attack_traces.dtype)

""" create metadata fields for profiling and attack sets"""
metadata_type_profiling = np.dtype([("plaintext", plaintexts_profiling.dtype, (16,)),
                                    ("ciphertext", ciphertexts_profiling.dtype, (16,)),
                                    ("key", keys_profiling.dtype, (16,))
profiling_metadata = np.array([(plaintexts_profiling[n], ciphertexts_profiling[n], keys_profiling[n]) for n in
                               profiling_index], dtype=metadata_type_profiling)

metadata_type_attack = np.dtype([("plaintext", plaintexts_attack.dtype, (16,)),
                                 ("ciphertext", ciphertexts_attack.dtype, (16,)),
                                 ("key", keys_attack.dtype, (16,))
profiling_traces_group.create_dataset("metadata", data=profiling_metadata, dtype=metadata_type_profiling)

attack_metadata = np.array([(plaintexts_attack[n], ciphertexts_attack[n], keys_attack[n]) for n in
                            attack_index], dtype=metadata_type_attack)
attack_traces_group.create_dataset("metadata", data=attack_metadata, dtype=metadata_type_attack)


For sanity checks, the user may verify if the .h5 file contain specific field in metadata. The next example shows how to verify if ciphertext field is located in profiling metadata:

import h5py

h5_file = h5py.File("my_dataset.h5", "r")
if "ciphertext" in h5_file['Profiling_traces/metadata'].dtype.fields:
    print("ciphertext field is in metadata for profiling traces.")
h5py package

To avoid incompatibility issues, AISY framework recommends to use h5py version 2.10.0, as specified in requirements.txt file.

Creating Dataset object

After reading a .h5 file, AISY framework automatically generates an internal Dataset object. This object is manipulated by the classes and functions that uses dataset information.

As specified in this documentation, AISY framework automatically generates dataset labels from plaintext (or ciphertexts) and keys from .h5 metadata. However, the current version of the framework only supports labels generation for AES128-related datasets. In case the user wants to label the dataset with an alternative concept (e.g., by taking into consideration masks available to the user), it is possible to create a Dataset object and provided it to the main Aisy class before running the analysis. This way, the analysis is not restricted to AES cipher only.

The following code provides an example to generate a Dataset object. Note that labels are created by the user and passed to the my_dataset object.

import aisy_sca
from app import *
from custom.custom_models.neural_networks import *
from aisy_sca.datasets.Dataset import Dataset
from tensorflow.keras.utils import to_categorical
import numpy as np

""" set profiling, validation and attack traces"""
x_profiling = np.random.rand(10000, 100)
x_attack = np.random.rand(1000, 100)
x_validation = np.random.rand(1000, 100)

""" set profiling, validation and attack labels"""
y_profiling = to_categorical(np.random.randint(0, 256, 10000), num_classes=256)
y_attack = to_categorical(np.random.randint(0, 256, 1000), num_classes=256)
y_validation = to_categorical(np.random.randint(0, 256, 1000), num_classes=256)

""" create list of key guesses for attack and validation sets """
labels_key_guess_validation_set = np.random.randint(0, 256, (256, 1000))
labels_key_guess_attack_set = np.random.randint(0, 256, (256, 1000))

""" create dataset object """
new_dataset = Dataset(x_profiling, y_profiling, x_attack, y_attack, x_validation, y_validation)

new_dataset_dict = {
    "filename": "new_dataset.h5",
    "key": "4DFBE0F27221FE10A78D4ADC8E490469",
    "first_sample": 0,
    "number_of_samples": 100,
    "number_of_profiling_traces": 10000,
    "number_of_attack_traces": 1000

aisy = aisy_sca.Aisy()

""" User must set dataset object and value of good key for GE and SR """
aisy.set_dataset(new_dataset_dict, dataset=new_dataset)


In the above example, labels (y_profiling, y_validation, y_attack) are generated before the method run() from main Aisy class is called.